
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Come back to me Meas Soksophea

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As soon as I saw the promotion photos via SPK Plus, I was wishing/hoping that it wasn't going to be a cover of Utada's US single "Come Back To Me", but I knew it wasn't going to be. She does a decent cover just not feeling to whole autotune thing over some parts of the song, it kind of ruins the song IMO.

Meas Soksophea recently released her debut album as a new singer under Sunday Production (volume 94). All ten songs on the album are sung by her, which is rare...knowing that most Khmer albums usually have multiple artist singing on it. Besides "Come Back To Me", there were only a few songs that caught my attention, the song "Chan Knong Bedoung" and "Kom Loung Snae Mek Plej Songsa" the former has that traditional medley sound to it and "Kom Loung Snae Mek Plej Songsa"...I must admit, this song sounds nice and all but it sounds like it came from a Thai lakorn, or maybe it is? dun dun dun!!! It could be used as an opening/theme song for a drama. Many songs were skipped on first listen, but I'm sure I'll give them another listen later on. If ballads are your thing, then this is album will suit you well. Support her by purchasing the album. By the way that picture up there ^ not to be rude or anything, but she looks kind of plastic. It actually kind of scares me because she looks like this Barbie doll I once had.