Friday, August 27, 2010
Dong Yi Episode 44 Synopsis (Summary 44) - 50 Episode Korean Drama Dong Yi (동이) from March 8, 2010 every Monday at 21.55pm

Dong Yi Summary 44
Sukjong galloping on his steed. Jang Mu Yeol greets Choi Dong Yi at Hanseong In the room, Jang Mu Yeol asked the statement recorder to record the testimonial thoroughly. Choi Dong Yi just look at Jang Mu Yeol as he tells her that they can commence with her testimony. Choi Dong Yi lay the condition & terms & tells before she make a statement, she want the release the innocent of Jeong Sang Gung, Jung Im & her residence staff that he has apprehended. Sukjong arrives to Hanseong Administration then demands for his men to search for Choi Dong Yi at once. Officer Min is shocked that Sukjong is here at Hanseong administration. Officer Min greets Sukjong who demands from him where is Choi Dong Yi then shouts whether Officer Min heard him when he hesitates & demands to tell him where is Choi Dong Yi now.
Choi Dong Yi is alone in the room. Sukjong comes to see Choi Dong Yi as she stand up surprise at his presence. Sukjong is clearly upset that she went against his wishes.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Choi Dong Yi shy away as Sukjong is seen fuming
Sukjong: Why are you here? Did you really forgotten what I have said to you?…Come with me!!!! We will return to the palace!!!
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong: What are you standing there!!!! I asked you to come with me at once
Jang Mu Yeol comes & greets Sukjong.
Jang Mu Yeol: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: I has clearly state & told you that I will not give my approval for you to conduct an investigation on Sukwon therefore it is better you move aside, Seo Yoon
Jang Mu Yeol: Cheon Na! My apology…it is hard for me to adhere your instruction
Sukjong is fuming
Jang Mu Yeol: Sukwon Mama has recorded her testimonial in Hanseong Administration to confess the truth in regards to the incident.
Sukjong is surprise
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama had reveal her identity that she has concealed on whose daughter she is & her relationship to the Geumgae of the Shinyu incident & also the matter that time around that she has render assistance to help Geumgae leader escape & all the whole truth has been recorded in her testimonial. The matter is now a recorded statement & there is no way to reverse that process, Cheon Na therefore please reconsider in your decision
Sukjong stare at Choi Dong Yi on what she has just done
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!!
Choi Dong Yi is still shy away from Sukjong eye contact
Meanwhile Queen Inhyeon is shocked to learns from Shim Yun Taek that Choi Dong Yi went to Hanseong Administration to surrender herself.
Queen Inhyeon: This is said that Sukwon went to Hanseong Administration to surrender herself
Shim Yun Taek: Yes Mama. Not only that they went to apprehended the innocent residence staff, moreover she can’t endure that Cheon Na has under harass under tremendous political pressure & protest. Mama really have no choice to able to withhold her staunch standing on this any longer
Queen Inhyeon: They have resort to such subvert tactics against Sukjong’s character & disposition to their advantage & to force her to waver under pressure & to take this step
Ahn Sang Gung: What are we suppose to do now Jung Jong Mama. If this should persist then even Sukjong will be left without any choice
Queen Inhyeon is at her end wits
In Hanseong Administration, Sukjong with Choi Dong Yi.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na
Sukjong: Why did you do this?…How can you do this to me?….Surrender yourself…Don’t you know that what implications will come out of this…to admits to this offense, that you will never get out safe without indictment that the Royal Courts will gather ruthlessly supporting in rally force to have your life terminated
Choi Dong Yi turns to Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: I understand & am aware of that consequences, Cheon Na, but however in this world that there is something more important to me in high regards than my life…that is the lives of my innocent residence staff, also Cheon Na….
Sukjong: Don’t say a word!!!!…Don’t say that you are doing this for my sake
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong: If you really think that you wish to do something for my sake. If you heart has a hint of consideration what my feelings are then you shouldn’t have done what you did moreover you should tell me I should forsake my throne to come run away with you together…do you want me to surrender you to them…this I will not do….are you clear…I will never do that!!!!
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong leaves the room in a huff of anger then stagger out of Hanseong Administration where Seo Yong Gi greets Sukjong outside of the compound of Hanseong Administration. Sukjong doesn’t want Seo Yong Gi’s sympathy & not to address him as King, as of this moment he is no going to be King & he will resort to do any subvert tactics & he dares to defy. Choi Dong Yi sat down on the chair after Sukjong’s outburst.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na! I beg of you to just forsake me…. Please you must not sink in another falter again, Cheon Na
Oh Ho Yang comes running & calling out to Oh Tae Pung in a drinking tavern as Oh Tae Pung tells Choi Dong Yi is dead meat. Oh Ho Yang can’t believe that Choi Dong Yi went to admit & confess her wrong doing & tells that she is really seeking death. Oh Tae Pung tells that this is her road to death & it goes without saying. Choi Dong Yi render assistance to Geumgae, does he think the Yanban class in Doseong will let this matter pass without finding faults in her. Mdm Park tells that Choi Dong Yi is really the world most weird person that she can come to admits & confesses to her own faults & asked isn’t she an idiot in doing so. Oh Ho Yang tells that Choi Dong Yi has always been very kind, if someone else suffered for her sake, it will pain her heart. Oh Taek Pung scolds his son for defending Choi Dong Yi. Oh Ho Yang tells that if Choi Dong Yi came to his embrace, none of this will happened, why does she has to become a Royal Consort in the Inner Court. Mdm Park asked back to the subject of discussion what they will think that Sukjong suppose that he is going to do in regards to this matter, it has come to this circumstance, will he still render her help. Oh Tae Pung scolds his wife for nonsensical prattles & asked whether this country is not govern by laws
Jang Mu Yeol comes to see Jang Hee Bin in his residence.
Jang Hee Bin: We must make sure that Sukwon received the death sentence.
Jang Mu Yeol nods.
Jang Hee Jae: Sukwon has a Royal Prince with her, it will be not long in the future that there will come a day that the said Royal Prince will place a threat to the Crown Prince’s position therefore we must seize this opportunity to have Choi Dong Yi eliminate.
Jang Mu Yeol: Please be rest assures. I guarantee that Sukwon will not able to get out of this,
Royal Court lead a choral protest outside Injeongjeon, telling that Choi Dong Yi has tarnish the high esteem of the Royal Household dignity that she has render assistance to Geumgae that has threaten the peace & stability of this nation, & this is really shocking that Sukjong has made such an outrageous decision to safe guard Choi Dong Yi. They called that Choi Dong Yi must not be given absolution for her crimes & calls that she be given death sentence that will stabilise the Country & Governance then asked Sukjong to reconsider. Jang Mu Yeol listening to the protest & looking at the distance
Jung In Guk in Daejojeon informs Queen Inhyeon
Jung In Guk: This not just merely the Namin faction, the Seoin faction has also unanimously agree that they will not interfere into this matter
Queen Inhyeon is shocked then it seem that Seoin faction plans to forsake Choi Dong Yi
Queen Inhyeon: What are you saying?
Jung In Guk: Mama? Now that they don’t have any prerogative right to save Sukwon, therefore I suggest that Jung Jong Mama, it is best that you don’t intervene into this matter to step out in her defence
Myeong Bun is the prerogative right
Queen Inhyeon rebuke to what they are implying & reminds them without Choi Dong Yi there will not be a present her at all
Queen Inhyeon: Dae Gam!!! If there is no Sukwon at all, today I will not be sitting here at this residence, how dare you can utter such insolence nonsense?
Jung In Guk: Mama?
Queen Inhyeon: You summoned all Seoin officials to come & assemble here. I will personally convey this matter to them & convince them…
Jung In Guk jaw agape over Queen Inhyeon stubbornness
Shim Yun Taek & Do Seong Ji meets Sukjong as Sukjong enquire how is the situation. Shim Yun Taek tells that there is protest across the government from 3 secretariats to the bureaus, then the Confucian scholars of Sungkyunkwan already gather in protest. Do Seong Ji report that not only that in addition others Bureau & Administration have voice their protest to the stage of standstill & heading to general strike. Sukjong is upset & tells to tender & collect all the official resignations then as for the Bureau & Administration give them time to reconsider, if they don’t comply then have them all dismissed. Sukjong tells Do Seong Ji that they ask him to take consideration of public sentiment then he will give them what they want & make sure the void is filled by auxiliary staff & don’t allow this matter to stir into a commotion & disrupt daily administration. Shim Yun Taek & Do Seong Ji tells that it is a tall order from Sukjong. Shim Yun Taek is baffled as Sukjong tells see who are the people who is now have shaken the foundation of this nation. Sukjong tells that this is his intention. Sukjong marches back to Daejeon as Chief Eunuch Han is concern about Sukjong who tells him that he want to be left alone then having a migraine day, he say to himself that he will never surrender Choi Dong Yi to them…he will never….
Choi Dong Yi sees the huff in the scholars & official bring up their resignation to Sukjong & some packing their belongings as it sadden her that Sukjong has refuse to stand down.
Choi Dong Yi: It seems that I have render Cheon Na to have committed a major incursion
Choi Dong Yi sighs
The nanny brought Prince Yeong Su who is crying as Choi Dong Yi comes to Prince Yeong Su’s residence to see him
Residence Gungnyeo: Suwon Mama!!!
Choi Dong Yi: I came over to see Royal Prince Yeong Su
Prince Yeong Su start to cry
Choi Dong Yi: Is Prince Yeong Su really nettlesome & cranky?….
Residence Gungnyeo: No he is not, Mama
Choi Dong Yi picks up her son to pacified
Choi Dong Yi: My child….
Then checks her son & could see her son colour is off pale,
Choi Dong Yi: I dare say, it seems that Royal Prince Yeong Su is not feeling well…didn’t you find him amiss
Residence Gungnyeo: What?
Choi Dong Yi tries to rock her son to pacified him
Choi Dong Yi: It seem that he looking rather uncomfortable
Residence Gungnyeo: When it comes to this time…it is when he gets cranky because he wants to sleep…that is why is working a fuss…
Choi Dong Yi: Is it?
Residence Gungnyeo: Yes, I will called the Nanny to the residence….once he is fed with milk, he will be alright
Choi Dong Yi: Fine! Go & call her here
Residence Gungnyeo acknowledged & leaves. Choi Dong Yi goes to check her son then opening his clothes she finds rashes & blisters all over his body then could guess….
Choi Dong Yi; This…this is….Someone…is anyone outside….Someone….
Royal Physician & his team marches to Prince Yeong Su’s residence. The Royal Physician examines Prince Yeong Su
Choi Dong Yi: What is the prognosis?
Royal Physician: It is measles, Mama
Ma Jin 麻 疹 is measles, 홍역 (Hong Ryeok)
Choi Dong Yi is shocked at the prognosis.
Royal Physician: Prepare the medicine tonic of combination of Sungma & Kalgun (Bugbane Rhizome & Pueraria root) & Cha Cho (Arnebia root) & bring it over. Then summon all Physicians in Naeuiwon to come over to the Prince residence to attend at once
Sung Ma (升麻) in Chinese Sheng Ma is Rhizoma cimicifugae or common name Bugbane Rhizoma or Black Cohosh. It releases the exterior then promotes the eruption of exanthema. It clears heat; expels toxins; & raises the Yang to avoid its collapse
Kal Gun (葛根) in Chinese Ge Gen is Radix Puerariae or common name Pueraria root. It is use to dispelling exopathogens, clearing heat, lifting Yang, promoting eruption, generating the body fluid and quenching thirst.
Cha Cho is (紫草) in Chinese Zi Cao is Radix lithospermi seu arnebiae or common name Arnebia root. It is removing heat from the blood, promoting blood circulation, detoxicating & facilitating eruption
The nurses then acknowledged & leaves. Choi Dong Yi concern & keeps calling her son.
Choi Dong Yi: My child!!!!..Child…Royal Physician?…My child!!!
Sukjong learn from Chief Eunuch Han that Prince Yeong Su has contracted the measles. Sukjong can’t believe that this has happened to Prince Yeong Su. Jang Hee Bin also learns of the news of Prince Yeong Su condition & asked how is his situation now as Jo Sang Gung tells that then ambience seem unfavourable. Jang Hee Bin concern that unfavourable then is it to suggest that it is really critical
Prince Yeong Su is crying as Choi Dong Yi is on the brink of panic
Choi Dong Yi: How is it then…what is the prognosis…is there any way of treatment….
Royal Physician: I have done my utmost best, Mama
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeong Su’s colour is deteriorating then his breathing is rather shallow & difficult.
Royal Physician: Bring Ma Hwang (Ephedrae herb) tonic over….Quickly
Ma Hwang (麻黄) in Chinese Ma Huang is herba ephedrae. It calms dyspnea; diuretic; calms asthma; calms cough; promotes sweating
Physician: Yes
Choi Dong Yi: I have heard Ma Hwang (Ephedrae herb) is really a strong herb to prescribe, how can you continue to prescribe this medicine to a young infant Prince, wouldn’t that raise any concern?
Royal Physician: As of now, we are left with very little alternative, Mama. If we don’t bring down the fever sooner, we can’t continue treatment
Choi Dong Yi gives it a thought
Choi Dong Yi: How about Honeysuckle flower…can we use that? When I was young, my father has prescribe that herb to me
It is because there is no caption to what the herb Choi Dong Yi has describe, one need to make a guess. There are 2 options to what that herb that Choi Dong Yi had describe, I have narrow down to 2 potential candidates that is both are fever reducer, it is either the Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb. Herba Agrimoniae Pilosae (仙鹤草) in Korean Sohancho. The plant, about 1 meter tall, covered by white hairs. Stem round. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound; leaflet ovate, unequal in size, alternately arranged; margin serrate. Raceme terminal. Flowers are smalls. Bitter and astringent in taste, slightly warm in nature and attributive to lung, spleen and liver channels.
Honeysuckle flower (Lonicera Japonica). For centuries Honeysuckle has been used in Chinese medicine for treating inflammation, fever and infection. The herb has also shown promise in combating certain malignant diseases, and is already highly regarded as an antibiotic that combats infection both internally and externally. Honeysuckle has also been used as a laxative, diuretic and blood purifier. In China have found Honeysuckle to be effective in reducing inflammation, fever and infection, and these studies have also indicated that Honeysuckle may have some promise in treating malignant breast disease. Chinese researchers think that Honeysuckle may help regulate blood sugar levels, thus theoretically helping to stave off adult onset diabetes. It has also been shown to inhibit tuberculosis
Honeysuckle Flowers has crimson pink, purplish or rose pink, to nearly white, 1-1/2 to 2 in. across, faintly fragrant, clustered, opening before or with the leaves, and developed from cone-like, scaly brown buds. Calyx minute, 5-parted; corolla funnel-shaped, the tube narrow, hairy, with 5 regular, spreading lobes; 5 long red stamens; 1 pistil, declined, protruding. Stem: Shrubby, usually simple below, but branching above, 2 to 6 ft. high. Leaves is usually clustered, deciduous, oblong, acute at both ends, hairy on midrib.
I opted for Honeysuckle flower as it has a better long history of folk medicine
Royal Physician: But however, Mama, this is just folk medicine from common society, but under these emergency circumstances, where are we going to obtain that herb?
Choi Dong Yi: Let me….I will go & find it
Royal Physician: What?
Choi Dong Yi runs out from Prince Yeong Su’s residence then asked Bong Sang Gung to gather all the residence staff that she now need to find something urgently & asked Bong Sang Gung to do it at once. Bong Sang Gung acknowledge as Choi Dong Yi looks desperate. Sukjong marches to Prince Yeong Su residence
Choi Dong Yi takes her residence staff to the palace premises to search for the honeysuckle flower & give a description of the plant
Choi Dong Yi: Carefully scout for honeysuckle flower. It is has purplish flower with shrubby stems & hairy on the midrib….Quickly find it at once
The staff disperse to find it. Choi Dong Yi rummaging through the plants. Instant herb garden outside the palace grounds
Sukjong arrives at Prince Yeong Su’s residence & shock to see the crowd in medical staff really busy, Queen Inhyeon comes out to greet Sukjong. Sukjong asked how is Prince Yeong Su’s condition, is Prince Yeong Su alright. Queen Inhyeon looks rather sad as Sukjong asked her for an answer
Queen Inhyeon: It looks like it is difficult, there is no much of any hope….the Royal Physician have said that it is hard to save him now, Cheon Na
Sukjong is shocked then the residence cries out for Prince Yeong Su as he passed away
Choi Dong Yi finds the honeysuckle flower & dig up the plant with her hoe
Choi Dong Yi: I have found it….it is here…found it!!!
Bong Sang Gung comes running & cries out to Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: What is the matter, Bong Sang Gung?
Choi Dong Yi can’t believe that the worst fear has come true. Choi Dong Yi with her found honeysuckle flowers return to Prince Yeong Su’s residence, to see that the staff is mourning for the death of Prince Yeong Su. Choi Dong Yi drops her honeysuckle flower in distraught
Prince Yeong Su couldn’t wait for his mother’s prescription herb & dies.
Sukjong comes out from the residence & approaches a shock Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi runs into her son residence as Queen Inhyeon looking after the body of Prince Yeong Su. Queen Inhyeon turns to see Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi looks num in disbelieve
Queen Inhyeon: Sukwon?
Choi Dong Yi approaches her son
Choi Dong Yi: My Child?….
Choi Dong Yi carries her dead son then juggles her son gently as though to wake him up…
Choi Dong Yi: My Child…Mother is here….Child…Please open your eyes… My child….Just a look at your mother…Child…look at Mother….Child….Child…open your eyes…My Child…why are you not opening your eyes..Child open your eyes…Mother is here….Royal physician…asked them to come in….asked them to come here…Child…open your eyes
Choi Dong Yi cries out to her son to open his eyes, as she tries to warm her son body…then embrace the lifeless infant in her arms & wails. Queen Inhyeon cries just as much for the lost of Prince Yeong Su
Sukjong staggers back to Daejeon then recalls his memories of Prince Yeong Su telling that he has reach 2 month that he is starting to talk that he is indeed intelligent then teaching Prince Yeong Su to call him father. Sukjong weeps for the lost of Prince Yeong Su
Shim Yun Taek informs Prince Yeong Su’s death to Cha Cheon Soo in the prison cell as he is stun after hearing the news. Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im mourns for Prince Yeong Su. Seo Yong Is also saddened by the death. Music bureau mourns for the Prince
In Prince Yeong Su residence. Choi Dong Yi still embracing warmly her son as she rock him gently that her son no longer is warm in his body temperature
Prince Yeong Su’s residence is clear of all furniture & staff. Queen Inhyeon asked that Prince Yeong Su residence is so quick to be vacated. It is because that Royal Prince entombment has already completed therefore the Bureau of Personnel have order that the premises be vacated
Pal Gen Ui is the ceremony when the coffin is place in the Royal Tomb
Queen Inhyeon: What is Sukwon doing now?
Jung Geum: It is said that she is keeping vigil in the temple with memorial shrine
Choi Dong Yi praying & keeping vigil at her son memorial shrine
Bogwangsa in Paju, was suppose to be the favourite temple of Royal Noble Consort of Choi Clan. Her memorial shrine & her portrait is in this temple as the temple in Eosilgak Shrine & the temple was also near her tomb Soryeongwon (昭寧園),365,0,0,1,0
Sukjong wants to Prince Yeong Su’s residence only to see Choi Dong Yi staring blankly & looks resigned & surprise to see her there then turns to see Sukjong
Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi in Bo Gyeong Dang as they look rather gloom as Choi Dong Yi kept all of Prince Yeong Su personal belongings with her as she looks at them fondly
Choi Dong Yi: I have tailored & sew birthday clothes for Prince Yeong Su & wanted to wait for next year when he turn one year old to let him wear them…but then I will never have imagine that I will lose my child this way
Cho Dul is one years old
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi admits in defeat after her lost
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!…Why don’t …we just end this….can’t we just end this? I don’t wish to ever again lose what I cherish & treasured the most…Orrabuni will be banish to exile, Gae Do Rae I am afraid will not be spare of his life….this I have lost all…just like that….
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi looks at Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: Di you not know as for me to say that what it that I really most cherish & treasure that really exist to me
Sukjong know the answer
Choi Dong Yi: Therefore, don’t let me witness that because of my sake that you are to suffer in hardship & difficulty in the midst….for my sake can you do this for me to be steadfast?
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi looks so resigned. Sukjong stagger out of Bo Gyeong Dang & turns to see Bo Gyeong Dang while Choi Dong Yi in her residence holding her son’s clothes that she has sown
In the night at Daejeon. Seo Yong Gi gives Sukjong his resignation letter, telling Sukjong that he has prior knowledge of Choi Dong Yi’s past but for the sake of Prince Yeong Su, he conceal the knowledge of that truth, but it seem there is no need to do so now. Sukjong tells that he had handing in his resignation to bear responsibilities. Sukjong know that Seo Yong Gi is also suffering in difficulties. Sukjong then asked Seo Yong Gi to take his leave that he will not accept his resignation. Sukjong asked Seo Yong Gi that he doesn’t wish Seo Yong Gi to resort in conforming to use this tactics.
Sukjong: I have already lost everything what I cherish & treasure…I have lost Prince Yeong Su….fear that I will also lose Sukwon as well….Sukwon….that child has said to me…losing Prince Yeong Su is already hard for her but she doesn’t wish to let her see that I am also suffering in difficulties & want to see steadfast….that is right…I have already knew…this is all due to my own is because I don’t wish to lose her that I have allow her to take the bear the brunt of this at being at my side
Sukjong admits that he should resolves this once & for all that he needs to stay steadfast but then Sukjong confess that he does have that self confidence to do so whether he can pull through for the days without Choi Dong Yi that whether he can stay steadfast
Mdm Yoon maid comes to Chwi Seon Dang. Jang Hee Bin learns that Sukjong has make his decision on the judgment for Choi Dong Yi. Jo Sang Gung confirms. Mdm Yoon question in doubts that why the sudden in making his decision, wasn’t Sukjong was stubbornly persistence in the matter. Jang Hee Bin looks doubtful
Sukjong meets with his Royal Court to pass his judgement
Sukjong: Today, I will give my decision on what the Royal Court has long awaited for….in regards to the matter of Geumgae who has cause tumult to the nation. Geumgae has committed murders therefore a serious crime that have stir tumult to the nation & the Royal household therefore I will execute the perpetrator who is the Geumgae leader, moreover all who follow him will be exile but however, after reinvestigation of the Geumgae Shinyu incident, although we have label them as criminal but then the Yanban serial killing in the Shinyu incident has proven that they are innocent of the crimes then their verdict will be overturn & reverse
Choi Dong Yi seeing Cha Cheon Soo being led to exile
Sukjong: But then Nae Geum Bu’s Cha Cheon Soo has commit an offense that he has conceal his actual identity, will be sentence to banish in exile to the remotes islands
Remotes islands of place of exile is Jejo-do, Namhae-do, Heuksan-do & Jin-do
Sukjong: Also….in regards to Sukwon who was involved in this incident…conceal her truth identity then committed a serious offense to render assistance to Geumgae leader to escape therefore this crimes that Sukwon has committed is beyond rendering absolution however giving consideration under the circumstance that Sukwon has lost Royal Prince Yeong Su that amnesty to spare her life but then from here onwards, she will only retain her Inner Court title & status but all Royal Household protocol will be revoke, moreover Sukwon will be expel to live outside the palace in a private residence & I will never seek & find Sukwon ever again
Jang Mu Yeol looks victorious while Sukjong looks so choke
Jang Hee Bin learns about the judgement
Jang Hee Bin: Expel to private residence…this is the judgment that Sukjong has passed
Jang Hee Jae: Yes, it is, Mama, although it is a somewhat a pity that we can’t do her in however that we have achieve to removing this splinter (Choi Dong Yi) to disappear from Mama’s eyes
Jang Mu Yeol: Prince Yeong Su’s death, the Namin faction thinks that it is too cruel to render Sukwon the death sentence, moreover if we persist then it will raise an issue for the Seoin faction to debate
Sukjong: However in the private residence…what if perhaps one day that Sukjong goes to see her then recalls her back to the palace….
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama, the matter please be rest assure…This is already Sukjong’s judgement on the matter. If perhaps by chance that Sukjong goes against his judgement then Sukwon will be spiral into another tumult from the Court then Sukjong will lose his sagacity in his kingship then it will definitely bring death to Sukwon
Jang Hee Jae:What Seo Yoon has said is correct…If Sukjong doesn’t want to see Sukwon being dragged to the execution ground, he will never take that risk
Jang Hee Bin looks doubtful
Yoo Sang Gung is told that Choi Dong Yi prepare to leave the palace now. Eun Geum confirms that all is prepare & ready for her to leave the palace. Shi Bi tells Yoo Sang Gung that Choi Dong Yi is really pitiful. Choi Dong Yi leaves Bo Gyeong Dang & takes a last look & glance. Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung comes to Choi Dong Yi with their packed belongings
Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: What are you both doing?
Bong Sang Gung: If you are going to drive us away then it will be no use, we will follow Mama where ever
Choi Dong Yi: Bong Sang Gung?
Ae Jung: That is correct, even if you chase us away, we will always insist to follow Mama, even if you don’t give your permission then we might as well ask us to hang ourselves at this residence
Choi Dong Yi: Ae Jung?
Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im comes to see Choi Dong Yi off. Jeong Sang Gung tells that the Internal Bureau of Investigation will see Choi Dong Yi off from the palace. Choi Dong Yi tells them why are they doing this for, that they already suffer such ordeal in regards to this matter recently because of her. Jung Im tells that they have learned this stubbornness from Choi Dong Yi, this is what Choi Dong Yi has render them. Shim Yun Taek tells Choi Dong Yi to allow them be that they have learn to be stubborn & persistence just like Choi Dong Yi. Seo Yong Gi nods to Choi Dong Yi to permit them
Choi Dong Yi goes to her palanquin then turn to the people who are seeing her off & smiles as she about to go into her palanquin when Bong Sang Gung asked Choi Dong Yi to wait a moment that maybe there is some news from Daejeon might come. Ae Jung concurs, the least they can render farewell. Sukjong will not allow Choi Dong Yi to leave the palace this way. Choi Dong Yi tells that if it is farewell then she will do it here. Choi Dong Yi gives a Sebae bow to the palace. Everyone is really sad
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Choi Dong Yi enters the palanquin as Sukjong is in Daejeon. Choi Dong Yi leaves the palace as the palace staff sees her off as she sits in her palanquin
Choi Dong Yi leaves the palace similar to Queen Inhyeon in a lighter light as everyone comes to see her off but then with some ambience of sadness. Choi Dong Yi contemplates in her new abode where she touches her rings. Choi Dong Yi comes to resides in her humble abode where lives carry on Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung does the laundry & Choi Dong Yi cultivating the land for her garden patch to pass time. Then in the night while she sew,
Bong Sang Gung: Asking Mama to resides is such meagre abode that I have contemplate on the matter & I finds it is not really suitable
Choi Dong Yi: I didn’t invite you to come & reside in such humble abode with me
Bong Sang Gung: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi smiles
Choi Dong Yi: Don’t you worry, Bong Sang Gung, the place that I was born & raise before is even more crude & vulgar compare to this abode. I am just worried about you all
Bong Sang Gung: Oh! Mama. I went through more difficulties in Internal Bureau of investigation, this is nothing compare to then & it is just exercise, this is what I am, also moreover Ae Jung is not a woman but a man in a woman’s body
Choi Dong Yi: Sssh…She will overhear us. Ae Jung most despise at this subject being mentioned
Bong Sang Gung: Correct….This place is too small to gossip…that people will likely overhears
Then suddenly the door swings open & startled Choi Dong Yi & Bong Sang Gung
Ae Jung: Mama!!!!
Bong Sang Gung: Caught fright!!!!
Choi Dong Yi: Ae Jung?
Bong Sang Gung: What…did you overhear us….that…this is actually not what I meant that I didn’t say that you are a man
But then realise….
Bong Sang Gung: Yah, you can’t be coming in like this trying to break the door open…what is wrong with didn’t even knock at the door….
Choi Dong Yi continues sewing then…
Ae Jung: Chu Sang Cheon Na is here….Mama
Choi Dong Yi expresses surprise
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Ae Jung: He is outside now….Cheon Na has arrived
Choi Dong Yi jaw agape
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi rushes out from her abode to see Sukjong as Sukjong comes to her abode in drunken stupor state support by Chief Eunuch Han as Chief Eunuch greets Choi Dong Yi.
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na?
Choi Dong Yi approaches the drunken Sukjong as she comes out to greet him & surprise to see him.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong tries to focus on Choi Dong Yi & slurs in his speech
Sukjong: Sukwon?
Sukjong stagger his step to hold Choi Dong Yi’s hand
Sukjong: Yes,…is it…really you indeed…are you Dong Yi…is it really you….I have something to say to you in regards to a matter that my purpose of coming….I have something to say…a matter….
Sukjong can’t keep conscious & falls on Choi Dong Yi who has to support him
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Chief Eunuch Han: Mama, please bring him in…quickly
Choi Dong Yi support the drunken stupor Sukjong into her abode
In her abode, Sukjong stagger miss his steps & brings Choi Dong Yi down with him to the floor
Choi Dong Yi: Just please stay here for a moment to warm yourself, while I asked someone to prepare some honey for the alcohol effects at once
Choi Dong Yi about to leaves, but Sukjong hold her back…Sukjong turns to her
Sukjong: Why don’t we just simply run away together…Dong Yi, just being like this, together we just run away
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong laughs to himself
Sukjong: Yes…correct…You will never agree to do this…It is because I am the King that I have to live my life as a King of this nation should.……however what about the simple man in me, how should I live…what am I supposed to do to have to live my life without you… why do you have to make matters come to this stage…not able to see you…not able to touch you in your embrace, do you wish to have me continue my life in the midst of such sufferings..therefore…therefore…I came over here to convey this to you…I really hate you then I really want to come here to tell you how much I resent you….also…also…I want to come here to tell you how much I have miss you
Choi Dong Yi looks at him & cries. Choi Dong catches Sukjong to collapse from his alcohol effects as it pain Choi Dong Yi to see Sukjong like that
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!…Cheon Na!!!
Sukjong finds comfort in Choi Dong Yi embrace then she cries as she rocks gently the sleeping Sukjong. Chief Eunuch Han, Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung taken by the scene & feels for the couple as they are also moved touched. Choi Dong Yi strokes the sleeping Sukjong’s face in her lap as Sukjong feels so secure & comfortable in her lap. Choi Dong Yi asked Sukjong forgiveness to render him such pain of suffering
Choi Dong Yi: Did I really render you such suffering pain, Cheon Na….the suffering that is so intense that you has shed so much weight…please forgive me….Cheon Na…please you must forgive the person that I am now
Choi Dong Yi stayed with Sukjong
The next morning, Sukjong tells Chief Eunuch Han that he will never come to Choi Dong Yi’s abode again
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: The next time never again must you bring me to this direction of this abode again
Sukjong marches away. Choi Dong Yi in her abode removes her rings & hold it dear to her heart
Ae Jung comes running with the some caught fishes Bong Sang Gung seems is not efficient in the kitchen & her culinary skill is not good either that she is having battle with cutting the vegetables.
Bong Sang Gung; How comes this vegetable is so hard to cut
Ae Jung comes with the fish
Ae Jung: Mamanim
Bong Sang Gung: Yah! Where did you laze off to?
Ae Jung brings out the fishes behind her & shows Bong Sang Gung
Ae Jung: If you have seen this, will you still be angry?
Bong Sang Gung eye wide at the fishes
Bong Sang Gung: What is this? Yah! Where did you get this from?
Ae Jung: I caught these from the river mouth. Our Mama this past few months has not eaten any or smell fresh seafood
Bong Sang Gung: Yah! Ae Jung,…You are really capable
Choi Dong Yi passes by the kitchen as Bong Sang Gung wants to cook it immediately
Bing Sang Gung: Quickly pass it over…give it to me…
Ae Jung hides the fishes behind her
Ae Jung: Mamanim, do you wish to attempt to cook these fishes?
Choi Dong Yi interrupts
Choi Dong Yi: Oh! That…let me be the person doing it
Choi Dong Yi enter the kitchen as Ae Jung greets her
Ae Jung: Mama?
Bong Sang Gung: Mama, this place is forbidden for you to access
Choi Dong Yi: Don’t be like this, let me do this just once….Such a precious seafood can’t afford to be discarded to waste….
Bong Sang Gung: What?
Choi Dong Yi: Honestly…during this time, that I just didn’t mentioned before in passing but Bong Sang Gung’s culinary skills is somewhat….Ahem!!!
Ae Jung: This is true, then I can no longer able to eat Mamanim cooking
Bong Sang Gung: What?
Ae Jung: Actually, it is a relief that Mamanim is from Internal Bureau of Investigation & shouldn’t interfere with the kitchen, if this was the Suragan (Royal Kitchen), definitely you will be expel from the place
Choi Dong Yi: This is exactly what I was about to say….Ae Jung…How is it then, will you like to pass those fishes to me?
Ae Jung ponders as Choi Dong Yi asked to handover the fishes. Ae Jung passes the fishes to Choi Dong Yi
Ae Jung: Then this once, I will give this to you. I also wish to savour this precious seafood
Choi Dong Yi takes the fish
Choi Dong Yi: Have trust in me then?
Nausea…..Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung expresses concern
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Ae Jung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: I am alright…it could be because of the fishes smelling fishy.
Choi Dong Yi is nausea is getting rapid
Ae Jung: Oh!
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi passes back the fishes to Ae Jung & goes out of the kitchen to relieves herself. Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung follows her out
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Ae Jung: Mama?
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Ae Jung: Mama? Are you alright
Bong Sang Gung pats Choi Dong Yi’s back to ease her nausea
Choi Dong Yi: Bong Sang Gung what is today’s date?
Ae Jung counts the dates
Choi Dong Yi: It is 8th month, 6th day…what is the matter
Choi Dong Yi: If it 8th month…6th day?
Bong Sang Gung then realises that Choi Dong Yi is pregnant.
Bong sang Gung: Mama?….
Choi Dong Yi also realise
Bong Sang Gung: Mama….you are definitely pregnant….Mama…
Choi Dong Yi know that she is pregnant
Bong Sang Gung: Mama!!! Omo!!!…Ae Jung…this is correct
Ae Jung: Right…this is definitely correct….
Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung excited as Choi Dong Yi is happy that she is pregnant
The night contemplate Choi Dong Yi in her abode is happy that she is pregnant touching her stomach then calls out to Sukjong for his gift
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Wah!! Such a quick express, now in labour.
Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im hurry to the Choi Dong Yi’s abode. The shadow of Choi Dong Yi is in labour. Bong Sang Gung trying to encourage Choi Dong Yi to push then coaxing to breathes heave heave ho. Ae Jung greets Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im as they asked how is Choi Dong Yi. Ae Jung tells that Choi Dong Yi is now in labour…., Choi Dong Yi assist by Female Physician has Choi Dong Yi tries very hard to push, Bong Sang Gung looks more frantic.
Female Physician: Mama, just one last push & it will be over, …just please give some strength to push…Mama…the baby will be out soon….Mama, just give us one last push
Choi Dong Yi screams to give all she has in that push then a baby cries as Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im happy to hear the cry of the baby….
Bong Sang Gung comes out to announce the birth of a Royal Prince.
Bong Sang Gung: It is a Royal Prince, Mama has delivered a Royal Prince
Jeong sang Gung, Jung Im & Ae jung is happy for Choi Dong Yi. Bong Sang Gung tilt up to heaven
Bong Sang Gung: Thank you very much
In the abode, Choi Dong Yi resting after her labours as the Female Physician place Yi Geum next to her & congratulates Choi Dong Yi that she deliver a Royal Prince.
Female Physician: Mama…Congratulations…It is a Royal Prince
Choi Dong Yi turns to see her son & smiles. The baby holds her finger, as the baby reacts to her…as she pats her baby, the baby looks comfortable. Yi Geum trying to stretch himself
In Daejeon, Sukjong learns from Seo Yong Gi the birth is a Prince.
Sukjong: Is it a Royal Prince?
Seo Yong Gi: Yes….Cheon Na
Sukjong can’t contain his excitement then wishes to run over to see Choi Dong Yi but restrain himself then wanting to know on Choi Dong Yi’s condition
Seo Yong Gi: also Sukwon Mama is reported to be safe & sound.
Sukjong express relief to hear.
Seo Yong Gi visit Choi Dong Yi in her abode
Seo Yong Gi: He didn’t convey any message through me…just asked me to pass this to you Mama
Seo Yong Gi gives an envelope to Choi Dong Yi to say that this is for her. Choi Dong Yi opens the envelope & reads the character “Geum” (昑)means bright like radiance as in light
Choi Dong Yi: This is his name.
Seo Yong Gi smiles
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na has given a name to this child, the name Geum, it is really nice…Yeong Gam
Yi Geum eyes open looking at his mother
Choi dong Yi: Geum…ah
Sukjong in the palace looking at the direction distance of Choi Dong Yi’s abode then asked to return to the palace.
Sukjong: Let us leave….
Chief Eunuch Han: Yes, Cheon Na….
Sukjong & entourage leaves
In the abode, Choi Dong Yi pats her son who looks rather alert
Choi Dong Yi: Geum…ah….My Child….This name is given by your Ah Ba Mama (Royal Father)…..Geum…ah…Ah Ba Mama wishes for you to become the irradiation beam of radiance…my Child, please don’t forget the meaning to your name. You must become that irradiation beam of radiance for the lowest of the commoner folk lives & become that person
Yi Geum looks at his happy mother
A blink of an eye 6 years
Hwang Joo Shik is upset that he has waits for the late Yeong Dal. Hwang Joo Shik tells that he will break Yeong Dal leg when he returns. Yeong Dal comes calling for Hwang Joo Shik as Hwang Joo Shik about to reprimand Yeong Dal that he already late half an hour. Yeong Dal tells that Doseong is so busy with people, that he has heard the Qing Chinese Emissary is arriving in Doseong that everyone is crowding to see the festivity. Hwang Joo Shik hit Yeong Dal to asked whether this is consider a reason of excuse. Yeong Dal tells that he has a valid reason. Yeong Dal show Hwang Joo Shik that he has Omija from Gyeongsang province that he was late because of this. Hwang Joo Shik think the Omija is for him as Yeong Dal tells that he bought Omija for Choi Dong Yi as a gift.
As usual Hwang Joo Shik always spots Yi Geum with his friends as Hwang Joo Shik recognise Yi Geum but isn’t sure & asked whether he is wrong in what he has seen that the boy looks like Yi Geum. Yeong Dal asked why is Hwang Joo Shik is not coming along
Yi Geum later Yeongjo is a replica of his mother rather naughty
Ae Jung screams for Yi Geum & addresses him as Won Ja Mama as she fear the worst that he is not on the premises. Ae Jung doesn’t know where Yi Geum has gone to. Bong Sang Gung tells that Ae Jung has not found Yi Geum. Ae Jung tells that Yi Geum’s escaping ability is exactly like Choi Dong Yi that they can’t even play catch up. Bong Sang Gung has a headache coming that this is driving her crazy, why does Yi Geum necessary has to take exactly like her mother in that ability. Ae Jung tells Bong Sang Gung that she beginning to really scare that Yi Geum is only 7 years old, here after, he will increase to improve his ability. Bong Sang Gung tells that one Choi Dong Yi, they already can’t managed then tells that if this continues, they will not died old aged but will died of stress. Bong Sang Gung asked what Ae Jung is waiting to go & find Yi Geum, why Bong Sang Gung goes to call Choi Dong Yi
Qing Chinese Emissary must be their annual visit. Then a vendor selling hot seat for a view of the entourage to the public & selling the price ticket of 5 nyang & really cheap as those interested come with him. Yi Geum & his friend also want to follow the adults to see the excitement. On of children tells his friend that they can see the entourage from here that they need to go up the thatcher roof to get a better sight. Yi Geum comment on the thatcher roof as the children asked who is Yi Geum
Children: Who are you…what are you doing here? Do you know who he is, does anyone recognise him?
Other children: Don’t know him!!!
Children: Who are you?
Yi Geum: I….live in that Ban Cheon village that is way over there….My name is Geum
Children: Is it….you lived in Ban Cheon village? But I have never seen you in Ban Cheon village. Are you really staying in Ban Cheon village
Yi Geum: Yes I do…I heard that you all are came here to see the Qing Emissary entourage, therefore I came along to see, it is really nice to meet you all
Yi Geum speaks in a formal language
Children: Fine….just don’t get find out, you just follow closely…What is wrong with this boy’s speech?
Other children agrees that they don’t understand him either
Children: Come, Children, let us go
Children goes up to the thatcher roof by climbing up a ladder. Yi Geum giving authority
Yi Geum: Please be careful & mind your step when you are up there, do you understand
Children: What is he speaking?
Children up on the thatcher roof as the entourage comes around the corner as they got 1st class seats, the children are excite with the parade
Then the proprietor of tavern scolding the children to get off the roof. The Children in their panic tries to flee then some side step & fell down through the thatcher roof & startled the Yanban customers then grabs on of the Cheonmin children.
Yanban: You wretched brat, how dare a Cheonmin brat dare to come here to watch the excitement of the parade where the Yanban patron in this premises. It looks like I need to teach this brat a lesson
Yanban customer hits on the Cheonmin boy…you beggar boy…
Yi Geum: Quickly let go the boy!!!!….Looking at you that you must be a scholar who reads the classics, how can a scholar conduct himself such abusive code of conduct
Yanban: What is this?
Yi Geum recites the Doctrine of Means Chapter 14, When he is in a position of fame and fortune, he acts within fame and fortune. When in a position of poverty and low status, he acts within poverty and low status
Yi Geum: When he is in a position of fame and fortune, he acts within fame and fortune. When in a position of poverty and low status, he acts within poverty and low status….In a high situation, he does not treat with contempt his inferiors. In a low situation, he does not court the favour of his superiors. He rectifies himself, and seeks for nothing from others, so that he has no dissatisfactions. He does not murmur against Heaven, nor grumble against men…. Even thought you are Yanban class how can you brutally hit on a child. Quickly release the child at once!!!
Yanban: Insolent wretch!!!. You are just a Cheonmin class who doesn’t know his placing that is here acting so arrogantly. It looks like I need to teach you a lesson to make you come to your sense. What are you doing!!! Go & apprehend him!!!
Servant: Yes
Yi Geum: halt! Where you are…I am Royal Prince….
It sound like the same tag line Sukjong has use. Prince Yeoning really have both his parents genes in him
The crowd laughs at him
Yi Geum: Didn’t you hear me…I said that I am this nation’s Royal Prince
Then Choi Dong Yi calls out to her son
Choi Dong Yi; Geum…ah
Yi Geum runs to his mother as Choi Dong Yi takes hold of her son
Yi Geum: Eomeoni!!
Choi Dong Yi looks surprise to see the expression on the crowd then wonder what her son has done. Yi Geum looks up to his mother & smiles
Yi Geum is introduce on the screen as Prince Yeoning later Yeongjo
Yi Geum is punishes by Choi Dong Yi & has hold a bucket of water over his head as Choi Dong Yi reprimand him as she hits the stick on the floor. Bong Sang Gung, Ae Jung, Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik looks on
Choi Dong Yi: Why….aren’t you straightening your arms up!!!
Choi Dong Yi the disciplinarian mother using corporal punishment on Prince Yeoning
Sukjong & Queen Inhyeon hosting the banquet for the Qing Chinese Emissary as Crown Prince collapses on the Qing Emissary
Queen Inhyeon: Hee Bin should be all concern in regards to Crown Prince’s affairs
Royal Physician examines the Crown Prince with Jang Hee Bin at his side looks frightfully concern
Court Physician: The problem that he may not able to produce any posterity
Sukjong contemplates in the gardens
Jang Hee Bin with Jang Hee Jae expressing her fear that the truth might come out
Jang Hee Bin: What if perhaps Sukjong finds out about the truth….
Yi Geum dozing off at lectures & get shout to wake up
Children: Every year the King in the palace will host a banquet for the Cheonmin class children to have a decent meal
Sukjong is at the children events. Sukjong must has sponsored the banquet in memory of Prince Yeong Su who when Choi Dong Yi was pregnant with him craves to have Hwalinseo porridge & on his 100 day open a porridge line to the poor to commemorate his birth
Yi Geum: What…really?
Yi Geum light up on hearing the banquet
Crown Prince stumbles on Yi Geum who trespassing the palace & is caught, but it is seem that the Crown Prince is kind to him as he explains to his mother, where Jang Hee Bin is presence & take a look at a dirtied Yi Geum. Gyeongjong & Yeongjo, the brothers meets for the 1st time
Gyeongjong is always depicted as a very kind hearted person. Yeongjo (1724-1776) made a record 77 trips of Neunghaeng (Tomb visit with protocols) to Myeongneung (Royal Tomb of Sukjong) & Uireung (Royal Tomb of Gyeongjong) with the annual visit of 1.5 during his reign but then unofficially without the protocols, Yeongjo made 909 tomb visit, an annual average of 17.5. Yeongjo made 12 official Neunghaeng to visit to Soryeongwon (Royal Noble Consort Sukbin’s tomb) who started the tradition of visit the tomb of his biological parents but make many visits to the her tomb each time he is out of the palace. This was seen depicted in Yi San.
Ae Jung informs Choi Dong Yi that Yi Geum has gone to the palace, much to Choi Dong Yi surprise
Ae Jung: Royal Prince it seem has enter the palace!!!
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Yi Geum sees Sukjong
Yi Geum: That is Ah Ba Mama…..Ah Ba Mama!!!!
Sukjong passes by & hear Yi Geum calling father
Sukjong looks around
Yi Geum calling will be the same as Choi Dong Yi haegeum’s playing.
Yi Geum: Ah Ba Mama!!!
Sukjong: Did you hear someone calling Ah Ba Mama?
Chief Eunuch Han: What?
We will proceed to look into the Sagacious reign of Yeongjo
Text preview
This Chinese preview text is from the on “Dongyi”. The Chinese translation to English is strictly my own concoction
Dong Yi Episode 45 text preview
나는 엄연히 주상전하의 피를 이은 왕자란 말이다….!
It goes without any doubt that Chu Sang Cheon Na’s bloodline hence a Royal Prince
동이가 사가로 나간 지 6년의 시간이 흐르고, 연잉군은 일곱 살이 된다.
Time flies pass, Choi Dong Yi has already stayed in her private abode for 6 years, moreover Prince Yeoning (Yi Geum) is already 7 years old
세자는 숙종과 사신단이 참석한 연회장에서 갑자기 혼절을 하고, 세자를 진료하는 의관은 세자가 어쩌면 후사를 보기 어려울 수 있다고 옥정에게 말한다. 큰 충격을 받는 옥정.
Crown Prince accompanied Sukjong to the banquet & suddenly collapse in the midst of the banquet. The Royal Physician in charge in treating Crown Prince, inform that Crown Prince might have difficulty in providing an heir (posterity). Jang Hee bin is receive an alarming shock by the prognosis
인현은 옥정이 세자의 몸을 어의에게 살피게 하지 않고 다른 의관에게 전담시키는 것을 미심쩍어한다.
Queen Inhyeon starts to raise her suspicion when Jang Hee Bin doesn’t have Royal Physician to look after her son’s health moreover have engage to call Physician that is outside the palace to be responsible
한편 연잉군은 궐에서 매년 천인아이들을 불러 잔치를 한다는 사실을 알게 되고, 숙종을 만나 꼭 할 말이 있다며 궐에 들어가는데…….
Meanwhile Prince Yeoning know that annually the palace will host a banquet & will invites the Cheonmin class children to come & eat. In order that he must get to see Sukjong, to convey something to him, he enters the palace
Dong Yi Episode 46 Text preview
이것이..전하께서 숨겨두셨던 의중이셨습니까?
This is….has been long embedded in Cheon Na’s heartfelt intent token?
세자의 건강에 대한 옥정의 태도가 의심스러운 인현은 세자빈 간택을 하겠다한다. 옥정은 세자의 용태가 알려질까 두렵다.
Queen Inhyeon who is getting more suspicious in Jang Hee Bin’s attitude towards the crown Prince, then decides that the Crown Prince should take in a Crown Princess as his Consort. Jang Hee Bin fears that Crown Prince’s state of ailment will be discovered
한편 연잉군은 궐담 아래에서 변복을 하고 있는 숙종과 만난다. 숙종은 자신을 한성부판관이라 말하고 연잉군과 즐거운 시간을 보낸다. 연잉군이 한성부판관과 함께 있다는 소식을 들은 동이는 한성부판관이 대체 누구일까 싶은데…….
另一方面, 延礽君在宮牆下跟改裝的肅察碰面了, 肅宗說自己是漢城府的判官,跟延礽君渡過了很愉快的時光. 同伊聽到延礽君跟漢城府判官在一起的事,很想知道這個人到底是誰…(應該八成心裡有數吧~哈~)
Meanwhile, Prince Yeoning who was trying to scale the palace wall meets with Sukjong who is under incognito. Sukjong introduce himself to Prince Yeoning that he is Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan, then have a fine time together with Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi hears Prince Yeoning was having a fine adventure together with a Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan. Choi dong Yi wish to know who exactly is that Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan (I will think that Choi Dong Yi can make an accurate guess to who that person is, without any difficulties)
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